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You’re Doing WHAT???

So…..I’ve been going into strip clubs lately. There. I’ve said it. Now pick your jaw up off the floor. I know that confession shocks many of you. I recently shared that juicy tidbit of information with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while and to say they were shocked would be an understatement. Why in the world would I, the next best thing to Sandra Dee (ok, so I grew up on the movie Grease), go into a strip club? The answer is simple. There are women in those clubs who are broken and devastated (whether they know it or not) and they need to be told that someone loves and cares about them. There is One who will never leave them and whose love will never change. They need to be introduced to the Great Lover of their souls, Jesus.

The truth is, I go into the clubs for the same reason I go into churches all over the country with our Finally Free Women’s Conferences.  There are women sitting in every church in America who are just as broken and devastated as any woman dancing in a club. How can I say that? Because women are women no matter where you find them. We all have insecurities. We’re all afraid we will never measure up. (I have no idea who is holding the measuring stick.) We’re all secretly hoping that somehow someone will find us worth loving and tell us we matter.

My Beautiful Friend Stefanie
My Beautiful Friend Stefanie

This point was made very clear to me just a few weeks ago. My friend, Stefanie, and I were in one of the clubs handing out small gifts to the dancers, which is something we do each time. Inevitably one of the dancers will ask why we are giving them gifts and being so nice? That’s when we have the great privilege of mentioning the name of Jesus inside the walls of those clubs and literally being His Hands and Feet.

On this particular night we were about to leave the club when we noticed a new dancer had just arrived going straight to the stage. We wanted to make sure she received a gift as well, so we walked up to her and held out the gift bag. She stopped and came over to us and asked, “What is this for?” Stefanie spoke right up and said, “We are loved and we want you to know that you are loved too. God loves you and you matter.” I’ll never forget the look in the dancer’s eyes as they began to well with tears. I’ll never forget it because it’s very familiar. I’ve seen it time and again in the eyes of women at our conferences when they hear those same powerful words. God loves you and you matter. I saw that same look as I stared into my own eyes in the mirror many years ago having heard that life-changing truth for the first time. It’s a sacred moment when the words go beyond the ears and enter the mind and begin to sprout in the heart. The moment the tiny fragile seed of belief is planted in a heart with the simple question we secretly ask ourselves, What if? You can see the dancers as the wheels begin to turn in their own minds.  “What if these “church ladies” are right? Oh please, let them be right!”

We’ve been developing some amazing relationships inside those walls and each time we enter the clubs we get to throw a splash of water on the tiny seeds that God has already planted in some of the girl’s hearts. It’s truly amazing.

So that’s one of the things I’ve been up to recently. You will be hearing more about this in future blogs as well. I can’t wait to see what God has in store!

Can we make a deal? I’ll pray for you and you pray for me. Please pray for our outreach team that goes into the clubs. Pray for protection and that we would fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel by showing these women God’s unconditional love. And I’ll pray for you as God continues to reveal Himself and as He shows you where you can most effectively use the gifts He’s entrusted to you.  It might be in a place where you least expect it!

Be Still My Soul, Brian Tabor, Care Ministry, Caring, Central Indiana, Christian, Christian Church, Christian Music, Church, Church Conference, Church Media, Church Media Team, Clubs, Copyright, Dance, Dancers, Finally Free, Finally Free Women's Conference, Finally Free Women's Ministry, Finding Hope, Finding Hope In Jesus, God Is Love, Great I Am, Hands And Feet, Heidi Wright, Hope, I Have A Hope, Indiana, Indianapolis, Indianapolis Stage, Indy Stage, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves You, Johnette Cruz, Joy, Kari Jobe, Kim and Brian Tabor, Kim Tabor, Lead Me, Love One Another, Ministry, MPCC, One Way Out, Please Pray, Praise, Praise Gathering, Pray, Pray For Us, Preparation, Promises, Psalm, Psalm 31, Psalms, Shine FM, ShineFM, Spiritual Health, Stefanie Jeffers, Strip Club, Strip Clubs, Strip Ministry, Stripped Free, Stripped Love, Tabor, Tabor Ministries, Women, Women In Need, Women's Ministry, Worship, WQME, WQME 98.7

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