What’s Your Word?

Nancy Turner is a new friend of mine from Moody Radio. I had the privilege of being on her show, This Is The Day, a number of times last year. During one of her shows she shared with her listeners what her “word for the year” was. She chose a word to focus on that represented an area she wanted to grow in throughout the year. I thought that was very interesting, so I decided to pick a word for 2012: Trust. I wanted to learn to trust God in a deeper way than ever before. When I look back I can see so many different events that occurred that gave me an opportunity to develop my level of trust. Some were extremely difficult, but I’m grateful. I’m definitely still a work in progress in this area!
As I’m journeying through 2013 I realize there is another word that is coming to the forefront for the year: Surrender. What does it truly mean to surrender every single part of my will and being to Christ? And I mean EVERY part. There are things that I easily surrender, but I’ve been asking Him to reveal to me the things I still hold too closely. What do I still want to control in my own life? Do you know what happens when you ask God that kind of question? He answers! It’s funny how that works. 🙂 And the answers have been VERY revealing. I have some work to do in this area for sure.
So the year 2013 will be known as my year of surrender just like the year 2012 was known as my year to go to the next level of trusting Him.
What’s your word?
Let’s Connect On Twitter: @KimTabor @FinallyFreeTM
Bible Study, Book Of Exodus, Burning Lights Tour, Chris Tomlin, Christian, Christian Music, Encouragement, Finally Free, Finally Free Conference, Finally Free Women's Conference, God Battles For Us, Hope, I Surrender All, Jesus, Jesus My Shield, Kim and Brian Tabor, Kim Tabor, Moody Radio, Moody Radio Chicago, Nancy Turner, Old Testament, Peace, Small Group Study, Surrender, Surrender To Jesus, Tabor Ministries, This Is The Day, Today Is The Day, Trust, What's Your Word, Whom Shall I Fear, Women's Ministry, Worship, Worship Music
Hi Kim, great thoughts! Right now I think my word would be “Pursuit” This encapsulates the thought of “seeking” the Lord, but in a much more determined and even frantic way.