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My First Blog….The Road To Freedom

Singing "Finally Free" in Fort Myers, FL

Hello and thanks for reading my first blog!  As the months go by you’ll see that freedom will be a recurring theme for me, hence the title FINALLY FREE.  I’ll talk about other things that I’m passionate about as well, (like worship, music, food and books!), but the topic of freedom will be one you’ll see again and again.  God has changed my life and set me free from some things that kept me bound for way too long and now I believe He’s calling me to share my story with others in the hopes that they’ll also choose His freedom.  

I’ll talk more about my own story in future blogs, but today I just want to remind you about a powerful truth from the Bible about freedom.  In John 8:36 Christ says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” In my travels I’ve discovered there are a lot of bound people walking around the earth and that includes those that call themselves Christ followers.  I can say that based on my own personal experience of bondage.  God never intended for us to live that way.  Christ came to set the captives free.  The strange thing is that many of us don’t even know we’re bound.  I got so comfortable with my own chains that I didn’t even realize how heavy they had become.  The world sneaks up on us gradually and puts another chain around us and before we know it we have so many chains we can’t even take a step forward anymore.

There are so many things that can bind us.  Worry, fear, anxiety, depression, bitterness, addiction, low self-esteem, pride, failure to forgive…..the list goes on and on.  Christ came to heal and to give us the power to overcome.  He came to make all things new, including us!  I’m so thankful He wants to do that and He accomplishes it on a daily basis in many of our lives!  

One of the things I love about traveling is getting to meet so many new people and getting to hear the stories of what God has done in their own lives.  There are many out there that have powerful testimonies of how God has set them free, so while I will continue to share little pieces of my own freedom story through this blog I would love to hear about your story as well.  How has God set you free?  How has He changed you?  What has He taught you?  What is He doing in your life at this very moment?   Maybe you’re in the process of breaking free right now, where are you in that process?  There is great power in our stories and God uses them to help encourage others and give them hope.  I’ll look forward to hearing the great things God is doing in your lives and sharing more of my own story and journey to freedom in the coming weeks!

Would you share your story with me in the comment section?

My First Blog

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