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Become What You Believe

Brian&Kim085I have a theme for 2015.

Deeper Faith
Deeper Trust
Deeper Gratitude

I want to grow. It’s not possible to just stay at the same place, so I’m always moving whether I recognize it or not. It’s more a matter of what direction I’m moving and growing? Am I growing closer to my Heavenly Father or further away from Him? Do I desire Him more today than I did yesterday or less? Am I seeking His Face or settling just to seek His hand and what He can do for me?

I want deeper faith. I’ve been a Christian for more than 30 years and I’m still surprised at how little faith I have in certain situations. The Bible talks about having the faith of a mustard seed. (Matt. 17:20) An itty-bitty mustard seed. I’m happy that’s all it takes because at times, that’s all I have, but I want more. I want a deeper faith. Why?

  1. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. No matter what I do in life or ministry, if it’s not done in faith, it’s not pleasing to Him and I want to please Him. He’s my Abba Father. The One who knit me together in my mother’s womb. He loves me passionately and I love Him passionately. I want to please and glorify Him.
  2. I am also stubborn enough to say that I don’t want to miss anything God has for me. This past Sunday our Pastor preached a powerful message on faith from Matthew 9:27-30 about Jesus healing two blind men. He reminded me that I can only go as far as my faith will take me. I don’t want to come to the end of my life having missed out on so much of what God had for me simply because I had such little faith. I want ALL He has for me. Here is Matthew 9:27-30 from The Message:

As Jesus left the house, he was followed by two blind men crying out, “Mercy, Son of David! Mercy on us!” When Jesus got home, the blind men went in with him. Jesus said to them, “Do you really believe I can do this?” They said, “Why, yes, Master!” He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe.” It happened. They saw.

“Become what you believe.” Such powerful words. What do I believe I can become through Him? How far will my faith take me?

Those seem to be the foundational questions at our Finally Free Women’s Conferences and with our Stripped Free Ministry. I have met so many women both inside the church and inside the strip clubs of Indianapolis that are literally becoming what they believe. What do many of them believe? They believe they are worthless and no one cares if they even exist. They believe they aren’t lovable and they have fallen too far for even God to reach them. They believe they are failures not worthy of love or even the smallest bit of success. So there they sit, in the pews of our churches or on the bar stools in the clubs marinating in a sea of worthlessness and unbelief. Things will never change so why should I even try? No one cares, least of all God.

Mustard SeedMy Friends, let’s begin with the faith of a mustard seed. Do you know how small that is? You’ll see a mustard seed pictured at the side. Can you muster even that much faith? In Matthew 17 Jesus performed a particular miracle, something the disciples had already tried, but failed to do. They asked Jesus why they didn’t succeed. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says in The Message version:

“Because you’re not yet taking God seriously. The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.”

Can you try an experiment for just a few days? Can you give God a chance? Take Him seriously and begin to believe with just the faith of a tiny mustard seed. Start there and see what He does with it. The Bible tells us that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1). He is the Living One and even though you may feel you can’t see Him, He sees you and He loves you. No matter where you are or where you’ve been, you are never too far for Him to find you. If you have had a hard time buying into this whole concept of God, begin to believe He exists and He loves you. Allow those thoughts to even enter your mind for the first time and become a part of your thinking. Begin to believe He has a special plan and purpose for your life. Begin to believe things can be different. Begin to become what you believe.

Let’s Connect On Twitter: @KimTabor

For more information on the Finally Free Women’s Conference or to bring the conference to your church, visit us on the web by clicking HERE.

Apostle Paul, Back To School, Baptism, Be Still My Soul, Become What You Believe, Believe, Bible, Bible Study, Bible Study Group, Book Of Exodus, Book of Isaiah, Brian Tabor, Care Ministry, Caring, Central Indiana, Christian, Christian Church, Christian Music, Church, Church Conference, Church Media, Church Media Team, Clubs, Copyright, Dance, Dancer Name, Dancers, Dark Places, Darkness, Exodus 14, Exodus 14:14, Faith, Finally Free, Finally Free Women's Conference, Finally Free Women's Ministry, Finding Hope, Finding Hope In Jesus, Focus, Forgetting, God Is Love, Great I Am, Hands And Feet, Heidi Wright, Her Real Name, Hope, I Have A Hope, Indiana, Indianapolis, Indianapolis Stage, Indy Stage, Isaiah 64, Isaiah 64:4, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Frees, Jesus Is Freedom, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves You, Jesus My Savior, Jesus Redeems, Johnette Cruz, Joy, Kari Jobe, Kim and Brian Tabor, Kim Tabor, Lead Me, Light In The Darkness, Love One Another, Ministry, MPCC, Mustard Seed, My Utmost For His Highest, Not For Profit, Not For Profit Ministry, One Way Out, Oswald Chambers, Paul, Philippians, Piercing The Darkness, Please Pray, Praise, Praise Gathering, Pray, Pray For Us, Prayer, Prayer Request, Preparation, Promises, Psalm, Psalm 31, Psalms, Redeemed, Redeeming Love, Rescued, Restored, Salvation, Savior, Shine FM, ShineFM, Singer, Speaker, Spiritual Health, Stefanie Jeffers, Strip Club, Strip Clubs, Strip Ministry, Stripped Free, Stripped Love, StrippedFree, Tabor, Tabor Ministries, Tattoos, Transformation, Wait On God, Wait On The Lord, Waiting, Waiting On God, Waiting On The Lord, Women, Women In Need, Women's Ministry, Worship, WQME, WQME 98.7